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Colony Cat of The Month

That little acrobat rolling around in the grass is Gray Kitty. When she was young she was the least dominant cat in the colony, and the other cats would push her away from the food. There were so many cats at the time that we didn't realize what was happening, and Gray Kitty ended up under size. When we saw she wasn't getting enough food, we began feeding her separately. She never grew quite as big as the other cats, but she is now a healthy kitty.


Gray Kitty Likes to roll around in the grass like an acrobat when she sees me coming with the food box. She enjoys being brushed, and she acts a bit like the colony superintendent. When a loud car or truck passes, she alerts and watches until the disturbance is over. If there are raccoons about, and I leave extra food in the back to distract them, Gray Kitty will will run back there to inspect. She has even be known to chase raccoons away.

Gray Kitty's most unusual trait is that she won't eat until I have given her a scratch between the ears and a belly rub.

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